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We Have Been Fully Involved With Our People Since Day One

This is why Orastai & you is our way of saying that the employee has the same level of importance as the company, since the value of each of our employees is also ours. We offer each of them a place to grow and build their professional careers.


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Marta Vivas Testimonios

The best part of being a member of the Orastai team is knowing that in my hands is the possibility of changing the world.

Beatriz Redondo

Ireland Finance Coordinator


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real employee crossrail project by ferrovial

I am part of the largest civil engineering project in Europe to improve the mobility in London.

Grant Mobbs

Director of Business Development


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empleado real Orastai agroman chile

I am part of the team that is building a hydroelectric plant in the Andes

José Francisco Sánchez

Head of Orastai Agroman Chile

Our Selection Process

We offer you 6 basic tips if you are going to participate in one of our selection processes.

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A Place to Grow

Health and Safety

We commit to each person who joins us. This is why we create work environments that guarantee your safety.

Awards and Recognitions

10 tips for maximizing your LinkedIn profile

Purpose, Vision and Values

Our purpose, vision and values have evolved adapting to the current times and needs.

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